Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Randomized Trading and You

Ever play Settlers of Catan? Probably.

Ever gotten bored of Settlers of Catan? Also probably, though if you've play it enough ANY game gets boring so I wouldn't ever say that Catan is inherently boring, only overexposure makes it seem that way.

In any event I have most certainly gotten bored of Catan, but I have an intriguing fix! Since this is a resource based game trading is of course allowed, and most often trading is done known fashion.


"I'll give you one sheep for one mud," Joseph says slyly, hoping to build a new settlement on a sheep port.

"It's called brick, but whatever, sure why not," Nathanial replies.


They trade, sheep for brick, and the game progresses simply enough. Easy, fast, and after awhile, entirely too simple to be interesting.

This example however, is much more entertaining!


"I'll give you one sheep for one mud," Joseph says slyly, hoping to build a new settlement on a sheep port.

"Well...I do have two bricks, not sure what mud is though."

"You know what I mean Nathan, trade or not?"

"How about this, I'll show you three cards. Two of them are brick, one is a different resource all together. Give me a sheep and I will let you pick one at random."

"What? No way, just give me a brick!"

"Well I don't especially need a sheep, and I assume you really need a brick, so I'm willing to give you a 66% chance at a brick in return for a sheep. You'll get something for sure at least."

"How do I even know there are even two bricks in the three cards?"

"I'll show you the two bricks, then hand them and a third mystery resource to a third party for shuffling. Then you can pick."

Joseph considers the offer, and decides 66% chance at getting a brick is better than no chance at a brick, and he had a surplus of sheep anyways, and decides to take the deal. The odds are in his favor and as luck would have it he walks away with a brick. No rules were broken and a much more interesting player interaction has taken place, everybody wins!

So next time you are looking for some spice to add to your resource management games, try randomized trading! It's usually legal and it's always fun!

1 comment:

  1. My Catan playing friends are going to hate me for this! Thanks for the idea :D
